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获 huo

Home Pinyin huo

捕获 bǔhuò capture; caught

查获 cháhuò ferreted

获得 huòdé acquire; acquisition; gaining; obtain; obtaining; obtains

获得 huòdé obtained

获奖 huòjiǎng award

获救 huòjiù rescued

获利 huò lì profit

获取 huòqǔ obtain

获释 huòshì freed

获悉 huòxī learned

缉获 jīhuò seizures

破获 pòhuò cracked; uncovered

荣获 rónghuò won

收获 shōuhuò harvested; harvesting; reaping; reaps; reward

抓获 zhuāhuò captured; caught

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce